厦门华锐莱普顿学校(Chiway Repton School Xiamen,简称CRS)是由中锐教育集团、弘信创业工场、安踏投资及特步投资共同创办,与具有近500年历史的英国名校莱普顿公学强强联手打造的十五年一贯制高端国际化学校。学校位于美丽的厦门市集美区马銮湾畔,秉持“根深中华,创新国际,传承至善,胜任未来”的办学理念,致力于培养具有家国情怀、国际视野、素质全面、终身学习的未来领袖型人才。
Chiway Repton School Xiamen, known as CRS, was co-founded by the Chiway Education Group, Xiamen Hongxin Venture Workshop, Anta Investment and XTEP Investment. It is a high-end international K12 school co-established with the famous English school, Repton School, which has a history of nearly 500 years.
Adhering to the school mission of ‘Chinese Origins, Global Originality, Historical Virtues, Future Competence‘, the school is located in the wonderful Maluan Bay, Xiamen Jimei District. The school is committed to cultivating future leaders with deep Chinese cultural roots and national pride, international vision and intercultural understanding.